It felt different everytime you came by,
It felt special everyday during your stay,
Can't deny it was overwhelming to welcome you,
You bring such happiness,
You bring such joy where money can't buy,
You make us remember what we have forgotten,
You make us return from where we got lost,
You make us feel that sense of belonging when we thought we were alone,
You make us find the eternity from the temporary,
Oh Ramadhan,
You are here again with abundance of goodness,
You are here again to give our soul content and freedom,
You are here once more to help us cope with our nafs,
Dear Ramadhan,
There would be no words that can describe how special you are,
How we are much grateful to Allah SWT for bestowing you upon us,
A month where we get to learn about ourselves,
A month where we get to make a better version of ourselves,
A month where we feel the pain of others,
A month where we bring smiles on peoples' faces,
And a month where we are being united through our taqwa to The Almighty.
In every way that we can,
We want to make the very best of it,
Welcome, Ramadhan.
side notes: I would like to ask of forgiveness from each and everyone who knew me personally, virtually or even those who don't for every word I spoke wrongly and hurtful, for every action I make that seemed inappropriate. Again, I apologize and I prayed that this Ramadhan would be a good one for each and everyone of you. Aamiin. Ramadhan Kareem!
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